long before your baby can roll, crawl, sit or stand, she’ll hit a plethora of smaller developmental milestones. three months is a particularly exciting time because she’s spending a lot more time awake and is busily discovering the world around her. You can assist in your 3 months old’s development through daily activities created to stimulate her growth and development in five crucial categories:
Social and emotional
Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills
Communicating and imitating
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Activities for Your 3 Month Old to jump start Learning!
Let’s take a look at some certain activities from each of these categories from which your little learner can benefit:
Social and emotional activities for a 3 Month Old
Your baby isn’t yet heading off to school to build friendships or practice using conflict resolution skills, but she’s already learning early social and emotional skills that will be the building blocks for those future endeavors. give her a head-start with activities like:
Зрителен контакт
One of the best ways to build a social bond with your baby and show her to be confident in interacting with others is to make eye contact as much as possible. look her in the eye during feedings, while changing her and while singing songs.
Active Playtime
Let your baby know you take pleasure in spending time with her by actively playing together. Make sure to smile and laugh while interacting with her, as this builds her confidence in herself and her depend on in you.
Meet the World
Introduce your three-month-old to the social world. Take her to the grocery store or post office with you ”“ anywhere she’s likely to encounter other people and experience new faces and voices.
Fine motor Skills
All the movements we make using the small muscles contained in our hands are referred to as fine motor skill movements. They help us do things like reach, grasp and hold objects as we grow, and babies begin developing these skills from birth. At three months, there is a surge in fine motor development, and you can help your baby meet crucial milestones through activities like:
Reaching Games
Lay baby on her back and hold a toy above her, just within reach. encourage her to reach up for it and swat at it, grasping it if she’s able.
Clapping Songs
Sing songs like pat-a-cake and clap baby’s hands for her. let her enjoy you clap your own hands, too.
Toy Grasping activities for Your 3 Month Old
This one can be done while baby is on her back or during tummy time. place toys at her sides, within reach, so that she can practice grasping them and bringing them to her mouth. (Reminder: babies can choke on any toy small enough to fit through a toilet paper roll, so only use baby-safe toys.)
Gross motor skill activities for a 3 Month Old
When we use the large muscle groups in our arms and legs to do things like walk and run, we’re using gross motor skills. babies begin developing this crucial skill-set very early on, and they can make considerable progress at three months when exposed to activities like:
Tummy Time
Lay your baby face down for tummy time, and encourage her to lift her head and look at you. use brightly colored toys or your own face to help her look straight ahead, to the left and to the right.
Supported Sitting
Baby can also practice using her neck muscles to support her own head while in a sitting position. You don’t need any special equipment either; simply sit her on your lap and support her waist and chest with your hands as she works to control her head.
Tummy Toys
Place baby on her back and lay a soft toy on her tummy. This will encourage her to tuck her chin and to reach for and grasp at the toy. If she’s wearing button-up clothing, you can even open a button and tuck a stuffed animal partly inside to keep the toy in place a lot more easily.
Communication and Imitation activities for a 3 Month Old
Babies learn everything they know about the world through us. When they copy noises we make or facial expressions we use, they are learning crucial communication skills. help their development along with activities like:
Follow the Voice
Encourage your three-month-old to follow your voice as you step to different parts of the room and call her name. This helps her focus on your words and tone and encourages her to pay attention to you.
Dictate Your Day
The a lot more exposure your baby has to language, the much easier she’ll tend to develop communication skills of her own. speak to her throughout the day about whatever you’re doing, even if it’s something mundane like folding laundry. It’s all new and exciting to a three-month-old!
Baby Mimicking
Babies don’t automatically know that sounds have meaning. encourage your baby to imitate your sounds by imitating any sounds she makes at you. This tells her that making sounds is a two-way street, and establishes the baseline for interpersonal communication.
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Babies are takв света около тях по цял ден. Можете активно да насърчавате обучението чрез дейности като:
Дръжте играчка или книга пред бебето и я стъпвайте бавно нагоре и надолу и отстрани. Това я насърчава да проследява обекта и да държи фокус. Можете също да направите това с ръка или лице!
Дейности за призоваване на имена за вашия 3-месечен
Използвайте името на вашето бебе често, когато говорите с нея; Включете го в песни, рими и истории. Името й ще бъде една от първите думи, които тя привързва, указвайки, тъй като започва да разбира езика.
Дейности за сензорни опит за вашия 3 -месечен
Осигурете различни текстури, за да се чувствате тримесечните ви. Можете да използвате сензорна дъска, закупена от магазина, но можете също да създадете свои собствени сензорни преживявания за бебето, като я изложите на текстури като килим, трева, меко одеяло или любимия си релаксиращ пуловер.
Следващия път, когато се хванете, мислите, че тримесечният ви е твърде млад за планирани дейности, не забравяйте колко бързо се развиват мозъкът и тялото й всеки ден. Горните дейности ще запазят интереса й и ще насърчат растежа в решаващите области, като същевременно дърпат двойна задача по решаващ начин: всяка от тези дейности “„ и времето, което прекарвате, като ги правите “„ също засилва нарастващата, доживотна връзка между вас и вашите дете.
Страхотна образователна дейност, която расте с вашето бебе от 3 месеца – на 3 години
Monti Kids е едно от любимите ни неща тук, в Rookie Moms. Те казват, че 85% от развитието на мозъка се случва през първите три години. Kids Monti предоставя образователна игра от раждането до 3 -годишна възраст ще ви помогне да посрещнете и разширите потенциала на вашето дете. На всеки 3 месеца ще ви доставят нов набор от образователни играчки за вашето бебе, докато те растат и узряват. Използвайте код за отстъпка: Rookie50 за $ 50 отстъпка от първата си покупка –
Ниво 1 на възраст 0 -3.5 месеца
Регулируема дървена фитнес зала, създадена да окачи мобилни телефони и играчки на Монтесори на най -добрата височина, за да ангажира вашето бебе.
4 Класически мобилни телефони в Монтесори, за да развиете визуалните умения и фокус на вашето бебе.
4 Достигане, хващане и ритане на играчки за изграждане на сила и двигателни умения.
Две дрънкалки с размер перфектно за ръцете на вашето бебе.
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